3 mindset shifts to succeed in Exploratory Testing

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Exploratory testing is highly effective in uncovering hidden issues, but many teams need help when used to manual testing.

Teams, products, and users constantly evolve, meaning risks impacting quality are not static or entirely predictable. This dynamic environment requires a flexible approach to identify and address potential issues.

This blog post explains how to enhance your overall testing strategy by blending exploratory testing with your team's manual testing routines.


1. Deal with uncertainty

Mindset shift 1: as a tester, you cannot predict all possible outcomes because you do not know everything about the product, its users, and their behavior. That's where exploratory testing comes into play: to help you deal with uncertainty. 

Let's discover how you can embrace this mindset shift:

- Accept ambiguity: uncertainty is a natural part of the testing process. Instead of relying on test cases, be open to discovering new information about the product;

- Flexible thinking: be prepared to adapt and change your approach based on new insights. Flexibility allows you to explore different angles and scenarios that predefined scripts might miss;

- User-centric perspective: focus on understanding how diverse users interact with the product. By considering various user perspectives, you can identify potential issues that arise from unexpected usage patterns.

Starting from a solid foundation allows you to explore more confidently,  ensuring that you’re not beginning with a broken product but rather one with a safety net - which means “deeper exploration”!

In exploratory testing, you are not unprepared; you equip yourself with knowledge and tools. Rather than viewing ambiguity as a problem, consider it an opportunity to discover and uncover hidden bugs.



2. Commit to continuous learning

Mindset shift 2: shifting from a static, script-driven approach to one that prioritizes ongoing education and discovery is essential, which involves:

- Curiosity: cultivate a curious mindset. Ask questions, seek to understand why things work the way they do, and investigate the product’s behavior;

- Iterative exploration: each test session should be built on the knowledge gained from previous sessions, leading to deeper insights and more comprehensive coverage;

- Learning from experience: reflect on each testing session to identify what worked, what didn’t, and why. Then, you can refine your strategies and improve future testing efforts.

Here are some techniques to develop this mindset shift:

  1. Regular training and workshops: attend training sessions, conferences, and workshops focused on exploratory testing techniques, tools, and best practices. Community-driven platforms, such as the Ministry of Testing, allow you to access a wealth of resources, connect with other professionals, and engage in continuous learning;

  2. Peer learning: communicate with your colleagues so they can share their experiences, insights, and lessons learned from recent exploratory testing efforts. An example of peer learning activities is Bug Bashes - which are collaborative events where you find and report bugs in a shared environment;

  3. Experimentation: try new testing techniques, tools, and approaches in a safe environment:
  • Heuristics are practical guidelines that aid in problem-solving and decision-making;
  • By using personas, you can understand diverse user views, constantly seeking new insights into user behavior and needs;
  • Test tours involve exploring different aspects of the application. Therefore, you examine the software from various perspectives;
  • Concentering on high-risk components, where you can expand your knowledge about potential vulnerabilities and impact areas, promotes a deeper understanding of the software's behavior.

  1. Feedback loop: share detailed session reports during reviews with the development team, product managers, and stakeholders, encouraging open discussions. Align with business priorities and user expectations, and incorporate feedback from users and customer support teams to address real-world issues;

  2. Use gamification elements to make learning more enjoyable. How you can do it:

  • Routine tasks: the most basic form of gamification rewards testers with points and badges. They earn these rewards for actions such as raising issues, logging work, reopening issues, transitioning issues, completing sprints, and commenting on tickets;
  • Bug hunts: compete to find the most bugs within a set time frame. The top performers are rewarded with badges, points, or prizes;
  • Achievement badges for various testing milestones, such as “First Bug Found,” “Most Critical Bug Found,” “Best Test Scenario,” and “Exploratory Testing Master” provide a sense of accomplishment and recognition;
  • Testing challenges focus on the application's different aspects, such as usability, security, or performance. The person who completes these challenges can earn points, badges, or other rewards;

Construct narratives addressing the problem and its potential impacts when discussing bugs. Practicing storytelling techniques enhances communication by framing the bug within a broader context, facilitating better understanding and decision-making.



3. Focus on improvement

Mindset shift 3: focusing on improvement emphasizes the importance of evolving your approach to uncover issues that might have previously gone unnoticed. Here's how you can start doing it:

  • Risk awareness: develop a keen understanding of potential risks associated with the product. Learn more about common pitfalls and vulnerabilities to guide your exploratory efforts;
  • Skill development: keep improving your testing skills. Stay updated with the latest testing techniques, tools, and methodologies to enhance your effectiveness;
  • Proactive problem-solving: to create better products, instead of identifying problems, think about how to prevent them in the future.


Some tips for you to develop your mindset focused on improvement: 

Tip 1: when discovering issues during exploratory testing, go beyond surface-level fixes. Perform root cause analysis to understand why the issue occurred and how it can be prevented;

Tip 2: regularly review and refine your exploratory testing processes and methodologies. Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas of friction, and seek ways to simplify the testing workflow;

Tip 3: recognize and celebrate achievements in exploratory testing. Highlight examples of successful bug discoveries, innovative testing approaches, and contributions to product quality, fostering a positive culture of continuous improvement.


Implementing the mindset shifts

Integrating mindset shifts into daily practice in exploratory testing requires a commitment. When they become ingrained, you can succeed even more in exploratory testing.

Explore a product without any prior knowledge of it:

  • Focus on a specific quality aspect, such as usability;
  • Evaluate how the product performs using different input methods, like a keyboard and mouse;
  • Assess its usability on a mobile device: do the pages and information adapt well to the smaller screen, and is it still user-friendly?;
  • Consider a common end-to-end flow;
  • Think about slight variations to this flow or alternative ways to achieve the same outcome;
  • Identify scenarios where the flow cannot be completed.

With the Xray Exploratory App, you can capture, document, and organize your exploratory testing sessions seamlessly. Its integration with Jira facilitates collaboration and communication among team members, enabling you to share insights, report issues, and track progress in real time. By leveraging this tool, you can reinforce the mindset shifts you read about in this article. 


Xray Exploratory App for exploratory testing

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