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How to organize a bug bash - Xray Blog

Written by Beatriz Biscaia | Jul 23, 2024 4:57:25 PM

Bug bashes are time-boxed events where participants (developers, testers, product managers, and customers) come together to identify and report as many bugs as possible, providing a fresh perspective on the software. 

They encourage cross-functional interaction, accelerate the bug discovery process, uncover critical issues, improve the overall quality of the software, and enhance product reliability before release. 

To organize one, you need to consider: 

Bug bash phases


1. Preparation

Define your scope and what you want to test (e.g., a new feature, a critical component, or an area with known issues); outline what is included and excluded in the scope; and decide the priority areas to test.

Create test charters, which encourage systematic exploration while ensuring comprehensive coverage. In bug bashes, numerous issues may be rapidly uncovered and it’s essential to track and document these findings.

Provide clear instructions on how to report bugs and ensure everyone has access to the system being tested.

If the session includes competitive elements, explain the scoring system and any incentives or rewards for participants (more about gamification below).


2. Execution

Kick-off meeting: introduce all participants; state the objectives and goals of the session; go over the agenda and the scope;

Assigning tasks: distribute tasks and areas to participants and provide clear instructions for each task. Allow flexibility for participants to explore areas outside their assigned tasks if they finish early or find something interesting;

Real-time support: establish real-time support channels; provide a list of frequently asked questions and common troubleshooting steps to resolve minor issues, and do regular check-ins throughout the session to monitor progress;

Progress tracking: ensure that all participants can see everyone’s work and findings. Here are specific methods to achieve this:

  • Create a shared Excel sheet where everyone can log findings. It can include columns for bug ID, description, severity, status, the person responsible, and comments

    Extra: use color coding to highlight the severity of bugs, making it easy to prioritize fixes.

  • Set up a shared Google Drive folder where all participants can upload their testing reports, including:

  • Use online whiteboarding tools like Miro or Figma to represent the testing progress visually using mind maps and Kanban boards.

  • Exploratory testing tools: Collaborate with the entire team in a common space for exploratory testing with tools like the Xray Exploratory App. All the sessions are stored in one team workspace, which anyone can access, view, and contribute to.

  • You can document your testing sessions through notes, screenshots, and video recordings of your testing steps. The app also integrates with Jira, allowing for bug tracking and management, making it easier for your team to explore the software.

  • Create a feedback loop through a debriefing session, where participants share their experiences and suggest improvements.


3. Debrief 

Debriefing sessions summarize the key findings and highlight the critical bugs discovered. Participants share their insights and challenges, which provide valuable perspectives that the bug reports alone might not reflect.

Then, analyze the results to find the root cause of critical bugs, understand the underlying issues, and prevent similar problems.

Finally, the follow-up actions can include:

- Bug fix plan for fixing the reported bugs;

- Verification to ensure that the bugs are fixed correctly and that no new issues are introduced;

- Communication: keep all stakeholders informed about the progress of bug fixes and any changes to the project timeline;

- Implement continuous monitoring to detect any reoccurrence of critical issues and track the fixes' effectiveness.


How to collect and manage bugs

Proper categorization guarantees that the most critical issues are addressed promptly. Here’s how to collect, categorize, and prioritize bugs:

Collect: ensure that all participants use a standardized bug-reporting template to maintain consistency. The report should include: 

  • the bug title;
  • description;
  • precise steps to reproduce the issue expected and actual results;
  • severity;
  • screenshots;
  • additional notes.


  • Critical: cause significant functionality loss or system crashes, affecting a large number of users;
  • Major: impact important features but have workarounds;
  • Minor: cause minor issues or visual defects that do not significantly affect functionality;
  • Trivial: minimal impact, such as typos or cosmetic issues;
  • Type: classify bugs by their type to help identify patterns and areas needing improvement. 
    • Functional: if they affect specific features or functionality;
    • UI/UX: related to user interface and user experience;
    • Performance: if they affect the performance, such as slow response times or memory leaks;
    • Security: vulnerabilities that could be exploited to compromise the system;
    • Compatibility: issues that arise on specific devices, browsers, or operating systems.



- Impact on users: bugs that affect a large number of users or critical functionalities should be prioritized higher;

- Business impact: issues that could lead to significant financial loss, damage to reputation, or breach of compliance should be addressed urgently;

- Reproducibility: bugs that occur sporadically or under rare conditions may be deprioritized but should still be documented;

- Dependency: evaluate if fixing a particular bug can resolve multiple related issues or if specific bugs must be fixed before others can be addressed.


Increase engagement with gamification

Gamification can transform routine tasks into exciting challenges. Some examples are:

  1. Pointing system: Introduce a pointing system and level of progression for finding critical bugs, writing detailed test cases, or suggesting improvement;

  2. Leaderboards: encourage a healthy competitive spirit by recognizing the top testers in various categories, such as most bugs found, innovative test practices, or best team player;

  3. Virtual and physical rewards: recognize unique contributions, such as finding a critical bug that was previously overlooked, the first bug reported, 100 bugs found, or completing a comprehensive test suite;

  4. Physical prices: provide physical prizes, such as gadgets, branded merchandise, or even experiences like team outings.

The success of a bug bash lies in its iterative nature and collaboration. By uniting stakeholders with diverse perspectives and refining your approach based on their feedback, you enhance the quality of your testing efforts. Your team can tackle bugs and deliver a superior user experience with the right testing tools, resources, and strategies.

So, gear up for your next session and watch as it transforms your development process. Happy bug bashing!